Fee structure

Overview of the protocol fee structure in Infrared Finance. These fees are crucial for maintaining the protocol’s operations, ensuring sustainable rewards distribution, and supporting governance through iBGT and iBERA token incentives.

Infrared Finance collects fees on various reward streams (Infrared Finance does not take any fees on principal). The following are the core fee types:

Fee structure summary

Fee typeCurrent rateDescription
HarvestOperatorFeeRate10%Fee on operator rewards from harvests, distributed based on share and weight.
HarvestVaultFeeRate10%Fee on rewards allocated to iBGT vaults during harvests.
HarvestBribesFeeRate10%Fee on bribe rewards from staking, supporting liquidity and governance.
HarvestBoostFeeRate10%Fee on boost rewards to sustain protocol incentives.

The fees collected from harvest operations help maintain and improve protocol infrastructure by:

  • Supporting liquidity providers and staking rewards.
  • Ensuring fair distribution of operator and governance incentives.
  • Funding ongoing protocol development and future enhancements.