Infrared operates a full-stack protocol that secures Berachain’s Proof of Liquidity (PoL) consensus. This network is responsible for proposing blocks, attesting to them, and minting significant block rewards. Trusted validators play a crucial role by ensuring the efficient distribution of economic incentives.
Node operator requirements
Coordinate with the Infrared team
Contact to begin onboarding. Infrared provides white-glove service to guide you through integration and setup.
Generate the initial deposit message
Before Infrared can make the initial 10,000 BERA (in GWEI: 10000000000000
) deposit into your validator, you must provide a signed deposit message using the following command:
beacond deposit create-validator 0x8c0E122960dc2E97dc0059c07d6901Dce72818E1 10000000000000 BEACOND_HOME/config/genesis.json
Fee receiver configuration
Properly configure your validator client to use the InfraredBERAFeeReceivor
contract address as the Coinbase address. This ensures that priority fees (tips) and MEV rewards are correctly captured and distributed.
Contract Address: 0xf6a4A6aCECd5311327AE3866624486b6179fEF97
This should be in the beacond app.toml file:
# Post bellatrix, this address will receive the transaction fees produced by any blocks
# from this node.
suggested-fee-recipient = "0xf6a4A6aCECd5311327AE3866624486b6179fEF97"
Your fee address
Operators need to provide the Infrared team an EVM address that they would like to claim rewards on. You can reuse the same address if you have multiple validators. The system treats all entries the same; a validator is treated the same as a staking pool. For example, a validator that has 10m tokens staked to it will earn the same as another with 5m since the contribution of the validator is the same to the system.
Claiming fees
Fees are distributed in iBERA
tokens, can be claimed via the InfraredDistributor
By calling the function underneath it will allow the EVM address that you have associated with the validator to claim to an address of their choice (recipient). If more than one validator in the system, you have to claim multiple times changing the public key.
function claim(bytes calldata pubkey, address recipient) external;
Key notes
Only registered validator addresses can claim rewards. Rewards can be claimed at any time.
Registration checklist
Before registration:
- Contact the Infrared team to provide validator details.
- Provide validator public key and fee address.
- Submit the 10,000 BERA deposit signature with the
as the withdrawal address.
After registration:
- Configure the Coinbase address to
. - Share with Infrared team the following information: Validator signed deposit message, Validator public key, EVM address that will collect fees and rewards.
Post-inclusion requirements
Once onboarded into Infrared, please complete the following:
Update your validator entry on the Hub
Follow the naming convention: Infrared by ValidatorName (e.g., Luganodes / Piertwo / Luganodes powered by Infrared)
Apply Infrared branding to your validator logo
Use the Infrared logo wrapper to wrap your validator’s logo with the Infrared branding tip.
Update the validator description
Provide your description but must include that your validator is operated by Infrared.
Submit website URL & Twitter handle
Provide your website URL and Twitter handle when submitting the validator entry.
Submit your validator entry
- Submit via GitHub.
- Open an issue with your validator entry.
- Once submitted, share the issue link with the Infrared team—we will follow up with Berachain if needed.
Technical support
For further assistance, contact Infrared support.
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